E-Learning Project

In 2011, GNBA collaborated with Newburyport based Small Solutions, Big Ideas to obtain 20 XO laptop computers designed for use by primary school children in the developing world.
Ted Van Nahl coordinated communications with the local MP, a Minister of Education, and local officials plus the principal of the Bura Primary School, offering them the opportunity to have one of the first e-learning programs at a public primary school in Kenya. Bura Primary School did not have electricity, but as part of a plan to introduce e-learning, arrangements were made to bring electricity to the school. An old storage room was renovated and became a newly painted classroom with new windows, electric outlets and a built in counter along two walls to accommodate the XO computers.
Ted and his wife Joanna Hammond went to Bura for a month in 2011 to introduce the XOs. They brought an assistant, Aaron Strick, a recent Boston University graduate who provided technical expertise.
Since then, GNBA has supported the e-learning program, providing a small salary for a teacher who has managed the lab and taught computer classes to all the grade levels at the Bura Primary School as part of the regular school schedule. In 2015, three teachers from Bura visited Newburyport area schools. A focus of that visit was to introduce them to the ways e-learning is being integrated into local schools.